Remote Learning Devices Return Due Monday, June 10, 2024.

All NYCPS-issued remote educational technology devices (such as iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, etc.) must be returned to P94M by Monday, June 10, 2024. This includes the devices and all accompanying accessories, including keyboards, cases, power cords, etc., that were distributed with the devices.

Collecting these devices will allow us to assess their condition, update their software and 

operating systems, and prepare for distribution at the start of the new school year. If a student does not have a working remote device, families can request one for remote school days beginning in September.

Additionally, it is important to note that school-issued devices must be returned to the student's current school when they transfer schools outside of P94M or are discharged from the New York City Public Schools at any grade level as per NYCPS policy.  We want to assure you that if a student lacks a personal device at home and needs a school-issued device to complete their schoolwork, one will be assigned for remote days from the new school they attend.

If a device has yet to be returned by Monday, June 10, 2024, it will be remotely shut off.

If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Stark at [email protected] or through the Remind Messaging App.